Our History

Foothills Soccer Club was founded in the early 1980’s as a recreational level soccer club based in SW Portland, Oregon.

Over the past nearly 40 years we have grown to become a fully integrated soccer club that supports the entire journey of youth soccer from pre-kindergarten through High School.

Create a life-long love of soccer

Our mission is to create a life-long love of soccer for our members.  Soccer is more than just one practice, one game, or one tournament.  It is a journey that should bring a lifetime of enjoyment as a player, a coach, and/or an administrator.

Competitive Spirit Community Soul.

Competitive Spirit. Community Soul.  It means we play to win, but not at any cost. It means we believe being a positive member of our community is just as important as winning.  The two go hand in hand.  At Foothills Soccer Club, we strive to create a positive environment where our players can grow their soccer skills as well as their life skills.

The way we do things at Foothills Soccer Club

At Foothills Soccer Club we know that performance follows attitude. The right attitude varies with age, but with the right attitude, boys and girls will commit to the hard work, the preparation and the challenge of contributing positively to their team and their community. Players will be encouraged to participate, to come out of their comfort zone, and to understand that soccer is about decision making.

Our Coaching staff strives to create a culture of teaching, developing, standards, discipline, care and concern. They understand that a players development is a journey and that each player’s journey may be unique.

Our goal is to develop well rounded children who will understand:

  • Fair play – Character
  • Work ethic – Speed and mobility
  • Discipline – Courage and bravery
  • Teamwork – Knowledge and awareness
  • How to win – Technical and tactical awareness
  • How to lose – Mental toughness
  • Enjoyment – It’s proven, kids who have fun in soccer, try harder, perform better and stay involved longer

A parent’s job is to bring themselves and their child to club events with the right attitude for development. Parents have just as big an impact on a child’s soccer experience as the club. Given that, we ask all our parents to exhibit great sportsmanship and a positive attitude at all Foothills functions. Your child will notice your approach and it will have an impact.


Foothills Soccer Club is a community centric, youth soccer club based in SW Portland.  We believe Diversity and Inclusion make our community stronger.  We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status.

Scholarship Program

Foothills Soccer Club has a strong scholarship program which ensures that money is not a barrier to participation.

Not For Profit

Foothills Soccer Club is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) and run by a volunteer board of directors.

Administrative Board

Zach Fritz
Zach Fritz
Jim Meurer
Jim Meurer
Vice President
Foday Kabba
Foday Kabba
Director of Academy Soccer
Christie Still
Christie Still
Director of Recreational Soccer
Mary Ford
Mary Ford
Academy Registrar
Jakob Dvorscak
Jakob Dvorscak
Ingrid Beaver
Kyle Lusk
Marketing Coordinator
Joel Burslem
Joel Burslem
Community Coordinator
Amber Scott
Amber Scott
Equipment Coordinator